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Fausto Salvi for PikD Gallery : Vegetale Sperimentale  - Asta CTMP Design - Associazione Nazionale - Case d'Asta italiane

Fausto Salvi for PikD Gallery

Vegetale Sperimentale

 Largh. 46 - Prof. 43 - Alt. 27 cm
2019 Fausto Salvi's Vegetali Sperimentali series evokes for us a world free of human interference, placing the attention instead upon the biological world, which even in the simplicity of its shapes and in the elementary nature of its processes, denounces the monstrous possibilities of in different technological intervention (with respect to biodiversity itself and with respect to a profound ethical sense) while at the same time revealing the unstoppable force of life which finds, above and beyond all else, its own road in the elements untouched by the follies of contemporary humanity.
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CTMP Design
mar 14 SETTEMBRE 2021